NOTE: Striker pictured above has been upgraded
Grand Slam Custom Striker
for this call
Listen to 24 seconds of clucks
& purrs, yelps, and cutts
Listen to 6 seconds of
clucks & purrs
Listen to 11 seconds of yelps
Listen to 7 seconds of cutts
Read about the
advantages of a glass call
The Turkey Pro
Sez: "Every turkey
hunter needs a good glass call in his bag of tricks. This
custom made double glass model from Camp Callers is an example of fine
craftsmanship by veteran Call Maker, Doug Camp, owner of Camp Callers. His reputation for making the finest custom calls of all types is well
This call produces loud,
medium raspy double-tone yelps and cutts. The high
frequency tone of this call duplicates an excited, lost hen which really gets a gobbler's
attention. It's also excellent for close work--soft
clucks, purrs and yelps." |
Custom Double Glass Call
by Camp Callers
A Versatile Call That's
Perfect For Anyone
An economically-priced
custom made double glass call & striker
The base is made of a
solid block of mahogany. The surface glass is sealed in place
with a solid bead of high-grade silicon. A second piece of glass (the resonator) is placed
under the surface glass. Meticulous detail and skill
are obvious in this great sounding caller.
Easy to use and perfect for anyone--excellent sounds, especially high frequency, high volume, medium tone
yelps and cutts
A great
finisher call to make soft yelps, clucks and purrs to draw a tom into gun
OUT ...
For Informational
Purpose Only